2022 Investments

I started to invest in July creating a portfolio that could generate high long-term value. I don’t care much about volatility with a long-term horizon and I am still convinced that America will remain the center of the world for a few more decades.

September 2022:

I have around € 4,000 of ETF and Berkshire Hathaway divided as follow:

Unrealized gain/loss: – € 303

Unrealized gain/loss total: – € 359

Total money invested € 4270

Unrealized gain/loss in percentage: – 8.41%

October 2022:

I increased my investments by nearly € 2100:

Unrealized gain/loss of the month: € 338

Unrealized gain/loss total: – € 21

Total money invested € 6365

Unrealized gain/loss in percentage: – 0.33%

November 2022:

I increased my investments of almost € 2100 again:

Unrealized gain/loss of the month: € 98

Unrealized gain/loss total: € 78

Total money invested € 8459

Unrealized gain/loss in percentage: + 0.92%

We finally see some green

December 2022:

I changed the graph style because the web tools I was using before gave me some troubles.

The differences in terms of values from the graphs above are due to the dates in which they are calculated.

Sorry 😞

Unrealized gain/loss of the month: – € 570

Unrealized gain/loss total: – € 492

Total money invested € 10,533

Unrealized gain/loss in percentage: – 4.67%

And we turned in red area 🙃

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