Investments 2024

Welcome in my detailed report of my Investments for 2024

New year and new track record page.

We will continue with the same style (at least at the beginning).

You can see next year here.


Investments 2024

January Investment

GOLDSGLD€ 1,204 € 11,162€ 11,684
MSCI ACWIIUSQ€ 4,826€ 69,946€ 75,738
BONDGAGG€ 394€ 3,989€ 4,101
TOTAL€ 3,600€ 85,097€ 91.523

Unrealized gain/loss Month:  € 2,276

Unrealized gain/loss total: € 6,426

Total money invested € 85,097

Unrealized gain/loss in percentage: 7.55%

FI Date: 01/11/2220 (continue to increase…)

January Comment

Markets seems to have started a new rally, but only the USA BigTech are growing. Not so enthusiastic also because I invested in ACWI. China always deeper.

I should be happy because my portfolio is growing, but I fear why it happens.

Maybe I’m overthinking.


February Investment

GOLDSGLD€ 530 € 11,692€ 12,113
MSCI ACWIIUSQ€ 3,604€ 73,550€ 82,012
BONDGAGG€ 106€ 4,095€ 4,152
TOTAL€ 4,240€ 89,337€ 98,277

Unrealized gain/loss Month:  € 2,514

Unrealized gain/loss total: € 8,940

Total money invested € 89,337

Unrealized gain/loss in percentage: 10.01%

FI Date: 01/09/2090 (thanks Mr. market, I gained 130 years 🤣)

February Comment

The US Large Cap market rally seems to continue, NVIDIA ha doubled the revenues in in 1 year (AI is a new real trend like internet or a bubble?).

Value stocks are ignored by investors as like as China and Europe. Wealthy will continue to be a dead 💀 investor. No matters what will happen.

Other doubts are on when Interest rate will be cutted?

I hope before June.

Good point I’m near € 100K 🎉🎉🎉


March Investment

GOLDSGLD€ 0 € 11,692€ 13,279
MSCI ACWIIUSQ€ 0€ 73,550€ 85,114
BONDGAGG€ 0€ 4,095€ 4,195
TOTAL€ 0€ 89,337€ 102,587

Unrealized gain/loss Month:  € 4,029,2

Unrealized gain/loss total: € 13,250

Total money invested € 89,337

Unrealized gain/loss in percentage: 14.83%

FI Date: 01/07/2108

March Comment

I made € 100K 🎉🎉🎉

I didn’t invested this month due to problem with my bank. I have € 20K blocked. Thanks BBVA 😡

I’m moving to ING, let’s see how much time we need to open the account.

I hope to invest in April, without issues.


April Investment

GOLDSGLD€ 2000 € 13,692€ 15,839
MSCI ACWIIUSQ€ 0€ 73,550€ 83,675
BONDGAGG€ 0€ 4,095€ 4,136
TOTAL€ 0€ 91,337€ 103,650

Unrealized gain/loss Month:  – € 937

Unrealized gain/loss Total: € 12,313

Total money invested € 91,337

Unrealized gain/loss in percentage: 13.48%

FI Date: 01/12/2312

April Comment

Another month with low investment amounts, due to the problem with BBVA. In this first days of May, I received my money from them on ING. I’ll invest the money in May and June to return on the right way.

Stocks are going down from the rally, while Gold continue to increase. Increaser in gold sounds no good to me. We will see in the future.

Finally, the UCITS Developed ex US ETF is arrived from Xtrackers. ISIN: IE0006WW1TQ4.

Next month I’ll move to divide my ACWI in 3 ETF:

  • US
  • DEV ex US
  • Emerging Markets

More next month!


May Investment

GOLDSGLD€ 1,662 € 15,354€ 17,470
MSCI ACWIIUSQ– € 83,303– € 9,753€ 0
SP 500 SwapI500€ 35,031€ 35,032€ 35,810
PRIVATE EQUITYXLPE€ 20,954€ 20,954€ 21,328
MSCI ex USAEXUS€ 20,387€ 20,387€ 20,795
EMERGING MKTSIS3N€ 10,220€ 10,220      € 10,042
BONDGAGG€ 0€ 4,095€ 4,126
TOTAL€ 4,952€ 96,289€ 109,571

Unrealized gain/loss Month:  € 969

Unrealized gain/loss Total: € 13,282

Total money invested € 96,289

Unrealized gain/loss in percentage: 13.79%

FI Date: 01/3/2091

May Comment

As mentioned last month I made a change to better control the weight of the United States and the rest of the world on my portfolio.
I decided to split the MSCI ACWI ETF into 3 ETFs (SP500, World ex US and EM) and to integrate an ETF on companies that invest in Private Equity to have exposure to this market in which we cannot directly invest through ordinary markets.
For the moment I have given a weight of 20% to the private market, I do not yet have a precise idea of ​​the right allocation, but I believe it will not easily exceed this percentage as it is a very volatile market (but which has also given very good returns).

See you soon!


June Investment

GOLDSGLD€ 995 € 16,349€ 18,68314,3%
SP 500 SwapI500€ 1,969€ 37.001€ 35,8108,9%
Private EquityXLPE€ 1,079€ 22,033€ 21,3281,9%
MSCI ex USAEXUS€ 800€ 21,187€ 20,7952,7%
Emerging MktsIS3N€ 308€ 10,528      € 10,0422,8%
BONDGAGG€ 0€ 4,095€ 4,1262,3%
MSCI ACWIIUSQ€ 0– € 9,753€ 00%
TOTAL€ 5,151€ 101,441€ 118,21516,54%

Unrealized gain/loss Month:  € 3,414

Unrealized gain/loss Total: € 16,775

Total money invested € 101,440

Unrealized gain/loss in percentage: 16.54%

FI Date: 01/09/2209

June Comment

I didn’t follow the market much this month and I only realized that I had earned €3000 when I filled out the report.
I don’t have much to say about the month because not much happened!

Half Year Comment

half the year is gone!
I promised myself to learn to evaluate quality companies well by the end of the year to better understand if the market is overvalued and how to behave accordingly –> keep liquidity(?)
Maybe I will open a stock portfolio in the future with a small percentage of the total portfolio (1%) to see if my theories work.
Yes, I know the market is efficient based on the information that exists at that moment. However, it is also true that the market often exaggerates irrationally when it is too euphoric or too depressed. Let’s see if I can find some depressed stocks to resurrect.

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