Road To My Financial Independency

This page will take note about my progress into my financial independency with this practical progress bar and the notes about every year of my investments.

Progress Bar Financial Independency

The bars below represent my situation compared to the values I would like to reach to consider myself Financial Independent.

The first represent the actual value of my money compared to the value I would like to reach at the end of my journey.

The second is the money I have actually invested against the total value I set myself to invest.

31/12/23 Updated

Goals for the end of the year (December 2024):

  • Reach the 6% of my Capital invested target
  • Reach 1.5% of my Capital end target

Goals for the end of the year (December 2023):

  • Reach the 3% of my Capital invested target ✅
  • Reach 1% of my Capital end target ❌

Year by Year:

Asset Allocation Over the Years

I’m not proud of my changes, but I hope that keeping track of them will help me avoid doing so in the future.

World + Gold
(September 2023 –> Today)

After being on the verge of switching portfolios again to improve my returns or decrease risk, I decided that the time wasted on beating the market wasn’t worthwhile enough compared to improving my skills at work to earn more money. I was also going crazy predicting the future. I think I will try to create a system to adapt my portfolio according to the market situation. Maybe using CAPE.

Financial InstrumentSymbole% of Portfolio
US Sectorial Strategy + Tips
(May 2023 – August 2023)

I eliminated world quality because according to my analyzes adding Costumer Staples would have decreased the risk of the portfolio.

Financial InstrumentSymbole% of Portfolio
US Health CareQDVG18%
US Utilities2B7A20%
US Consumer Staples2B7B7.5%
Berkshire HathawayBRK.B10%
US Sectorial Strategy + World Quality + Tips
(February 2022 – March 2023)

Same as losing asset allocation, but I added TIPS (Treasury Inflation Protected Securities) to diversify.

Financial InstrumentSymbole% of Portfolio
US Health CareQDVG9%
US Utilities2B7A6%
World QualityXDEQ16%
Berkshire HathawayBRK.B28%
US Sectorial Strategy + World Quality
(July 2022 – January 2023)

I created this portfolio because I believe that there are some countries that, due to their political or social mentality, have what it takes to have greater returns on the stock market. One of these is America. Furthermore, I am still convinced that some sectors can give better returns under the same market conditions. IT, Health Care and Utilities are the best in my opinion. The rest of the other financial instruments serve to balance the portfolio with respect to other market conditions.

Financial InstrumentSymbole% of Portfolio
US Health CareQDVG10%
US Utilities2B7A7.5%
World QualityXDEQ17%
Berkshire HathawayBRK.B30%